Are you looking for a fun summer camp experience for your kid or a teenager, yet with an original twist? Russian Camp in Minnesota combines all of the activities of a traditional overnight summer camp with a Russian immersion program where every kid despite of their level of language proficiency (you can come not knowing any Russian at all) will leave speaking Russian words and sentences and in love with this magnificent language.
Theme-Based Russian Camp in MN
Our kids swim daily, complete low and high rope courses, go on hiking trips, play outside sports and do archery as well as dive into a weekly theme in Russian language. We are a theme-based camp, so we get to live and breathe the theme we choose all throughout the week together.
2021 Sessions
This summer of 2021 our themes will be Винни Пух, Волшебник Изумрудного Города, Пираты Карибского Моря и Выходные в Простоквашино. All while enjoying outdoors and learning Russian.
Russian Immersion Program
While there are many summer camps in Minnesota, this is the only immersion program of its kind. With decades of experience teaching Russian and working with kids of various ages, our teachers and counselors are able to explain almost any term without translating it, create an atmosphere of friendship and have fun building each other up and working together as a team.
Our priority number one is safety! Whether in water or on the shore, being safe and responsible is the main principle.
There are tons of photos from the last season of the Russian Camp in Minnesota posted on our website. We also created a large number of questions answered in details that you can also find here. And one of us will promptly answer any questions, should you choose to use a Contact Us form, send an email or call. We welcome you and your children to come and create memories of the lifetime!